Baku to the future
Monday, May 31, 2010
Our last few nights in Georgia were pretty quiet and the food was kept light and simple – since we’ve all put on a few stone from being in Georgia. The heavens opened on our bushcamp outside the Azerbaijan border which put a bit of a damper on things and we all would have had a early night if it wasn’t for the frogs (and Mike and Darrell).
We all passed across the border without any problems apart from the truck which held us up for almost 3 hours as the border had ran out of paper! We were kept entertained though by Darrell chatting with the local taxi drivers.
A short drive to Seki – a small town in West Azerbaijan – and we checked in to a hotel Karavansari one of the original stops along the silk road. Each room used to be a shop where travelling tradesmen would set up shop for a few days before moving on. We headed out for a kebab dinner before enjoying a night of Uno and cups of tea served with jam instead of sugar – sounds strange but tasted really good!
Last night we bushcamped beside some mud volcanoes where Pete lost his flipflops, Darrell had a mud bath and Ned almost met his end (again). Today we arrived in Baku; the capital of Azerbaijan to start the bargaining to get us onto a ferry to Turkmenistan. There’s no timetable for these ferries so we may be given a matter of hours to get ourselves to the port. It’s looking promising that we will sail tomorrow but only time will tell. In the meantime we are in a lovely hotel in the centre of town about to go out for another birthday!
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