Borat Here We Come
Sunday, June 13, 2010
As you may be aware southern Krygzstan has erupted in violence and around 80 people have been killed in the city of Osh which we are due to visit in a week. The border between Uzbekistan and Kyrgzstan has been closed causing a slight problem with our route, thus we are going to be adding another “Stan” to our list. The land of Borat and Mankinis await as we shall drive north from Tashkent into Kazhakstan and skip along eastwards and drop into Bishkek, so we shall still get to visit everything as intended, just eliminating the slight chance of being caught up in a war which is always good.
Anyway back to the trip, we are currently in Bukhara our next stop along the Silk Road which quite similar to Khiva just a lot less film set like and even managed to watch the England game last night which provided much amusement to the whole group, including Ben who can now laugh at the English contingent.
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