Trekking, sledging and lots of UNO

Friday 25th June

From Bishkek we left for one nights bushcamp beside Lake Issy-kol, which was unexpectedly warmer than the swimming pool in Sammarkand – that’s what the few brave soles who ventured in reported anyway – we sat back and enjoyed the view! Our next stop was into the mountains, Jeti Orgus, it’s named after a spectacular 7 peak red rock mountain which is said to represent 7 bulls which protect the village. After a few dodgy river crossings and a short time stuck in the mud we set up camp just before the torrential rain set in.

All porridged up the next morning Taylor, Mike, Heather, Dennis, James and I took off with our guide trek up to an Alpine lake 6 hours from camp. We walked though mud, rivers, fields, woods, scrambled through rocks, snow and ice to get to our destination just in time for lunch. We sledged (on our bums) down some of the way and almost killed our knees the rest. Managed to make good use of the raincoats for the last hour of the walk and got back to camp just in time to make dinner. A little soggy and totally drained all the trekkers retired to their tents for a much deserved early night.

A relaxing day was had by all the next day, some of the group hired horses (which didn’t want to move), others went for walks whilst us lazy ones had a day of R&R which involved absolutely nothing which was great. Simon organised a quiz in the evening and right on cue the rain came in so we all squeezed into the kitchen tent to test our brains – Pete’s team won: conspiracy maybe?

Our third day in the mountains started off with a pancake breakfast and a morning of UNO – the trucks game of choice just now. We set off to the village in the afternoon where we treated ourselves to tea and “scones” with cream and jam and relaxed in the sun, then the shade, then the sun again until dinner.

Goat Polo and our “Bad Taste” fancy dress party have been scheduled for Lake Song-Kol... watch this space for some interesting photos if we ever get internet again!
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